Business Benefits of Symmetrical ONE GIG Connectivity

One Gig internet

Dan Swanson, VP Marketing | LS Networks | Portland, OR

I hope you enjoy this first of many upcoming articles that reflect our commitment to bringing world class Internet services to underserved communities in Oregon and Washington State. Built for the Pacific Northwest, locally owned and operated, we’re here to support your business, create educational opportunities, enhance medical care and drive economic growth. If you like what you see here, and would like to stay abreast of industry trends and developments at LS Networks, please sign up for our blog at the end of this article


First, Remove Barriers to Productivity

The promise of technology, in general, has always been about supporting talent, streamlining processes and eliminating barriers to productivity. The effectiveness of technology has always been a human equation. When it comes to the Internet, specifically, this has never been more true. For example, true symmetrical ONE GIG connectivity removes the lag time between thought and action — we think at 450 words per minute, yet type at an average of 40 words per minute. Most business

owners and managers can think of a dozen other ways slow Internet speeds inhibit employee productivity. Every second spent waiting for a screen to load or a file to download is time that could be spent making sales calls, answering customer questions, collaborating via video conferencing or a thousand other mission critical, billable activities. In fact, research confirms that the average employee will lose between one and two weeks of productivity each year due to slow Internet speeds.

LS Networks owns and operates the only 100% direct-to-business, symmetrical, low latency fiber optic network in the Pacific Northwest. If you manage a business in the Mid-Willamette Valley, Central Oregon, Eastern Oregon or rural Washington State, contact us today. Let’s grow together.

Motivation, Morale and Workforce Effectiveness

Most employees come to work every day with the desire to be productive. However, when applications don’t work because of a slow Internet connection, employees aren’t able to do their jobs effectively. In fact, recent polls indicate that slow Internet at work is employees’ number one frustration related to employer-provided digital technologies. If your Internet is slow, you can expect employee complaints to rise and morale to drop. And the affects of a slow Internet connection don’t stop there. You can expect unhappy employees to negatively impact your customers, and unhappy customers can create an entirely new set of problems for your business. As a business owner or manager, the notion of “saving” money on inferior broadband service is a non-starter. Your employees are your greatest asset; when you give them the tools to succeed you’ll see the returns many times over.

In Support of Talent, Potential & Productivity

The average bandwidth in the US in 18.2 Mbps, some providers provide 50 Mbps service in very limited zones, and yet a True Gigabit internet connection is 50 times faster than the typical 50 Mbps “good enough” business internet service. Imagine having virtually no bandwidth limitations, that’s what true ONE GIG fiber offers businesses fortunate enough to have access to that “future-proof” level of service. If you own or operate a business in rural Oregon or Washington, read on, the future is here:

Six Benefits of Fiber Optic Broadband

1. Minimize Costly Downtime

Network downtime costs a majority of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) a minimum of $20,000 per hour, according to IDC. For larger companies, one hour of downtime can cost upwards of $100,000. Few mid-sized businesses can survive leaking this kind of cash. Because fiber uses light for transmission, it is not vulnerable to electromagnetic frequencies associated with things like high-power lines and lightning. Copper, which uses electrical signals, is susceptible to bad conditions that can slow down or even destroy data in transmissions. If you are seeking a highly reliable Internet connection, choose fiber.

2. Universal Bandwidth Access

With the growing opportunity to use productivity tools like unified communications or UCaaS your business needs premium bandwidth for all users, Of equal importance is symmetrical bandwidth; equally fast upload and download speeds available only with true ONE GIG fiber. With a fiber connection, you can give all of your employees, regardless of application or load demand, the bandwidth they need to operate at peek efficiency, even as more (profit enhancing) users join the network.

Regardless of the size of your operation or the clients you serve, with true gig connectivity you’ll realize the increased efficiency, reliability and productivity you deserve. Your LS Networks connection will allow you to get more done, better serve your customers and open the door to best-in-the-west productivity tools, enhanced efficiency and measurable costs savings.

3. Enhanced Access to the Cloud

More than half (51%) of businesses in the US with less than 50 employees use some kind of cloud service in their business. This includes software-as-a-service (SaaS) tools as well as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platforms. With real-time, latency-sensitive applications like voice residing in the cloud, a fast and reliable connection is imperative. The more applications and data you move to the cloud, the more you need symmetrical fiber bandwidth.

4. Reduce Latency

Latency describes the delays that can happen when processing data over a network connection. Traditional cable Internet is rife with latency, which can result in employee frustration and diminished productivity. With the huge amounts of bandwidth supported by fiber, you minimize latency, which is especially important with videoconferencing, streaming video and uploading or downloading large files.

5. Eliminate Electromagnetic Interference

As discussed, copper cables are sensitive to electromagnetic interference. This interference is caused by nearby machinery—either your own, or those belonging to your neighbors. If you share a building with other businesses, you need to be especially careful that there is no interference with your signals. Fiber resiliency will eliminate this concern, providing greater and more consistent Internet availability.

6. Increase Productivity & Profitability

The benefits above will significantly reduce your cost of downtime and interference, while significantly increasing employee productivity, collaboration and customer service. You can also safely move more applications to the cloud, which is a huge money saver—both of CAPEX and OPEX. Perhaps most importantly, your business will be much more flexible and scalable when you switch to fiber, opening up more possibilities to cut costs and enhance revenues across all aspects of your operation.

Headquartered in Portland, Ore., LS Networks owns and operates the only direct-to-business fiber optic Internet service in the Pacific Northwest. We are committed to the communities we service in the Mid-Willamette Valley, Central Oregon, Eastern Oregon and Washington state. Our shareholders are a collective of rural electric cooperatives and our vision is to connect the rural communities they serve to advanced technologies, making it easier to live, work and play. To learn more about LS Networks, please contact:

Media Contact:
Dan Swanson, VP Marketing

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